Oct. 27, 2024 Held

Republic of Uzbekistan
Election for Qonunchilik palatasi (Uzbekistani Legislative Chamber)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:15,027,529
Valid Votes:None
Invalid Votes:None

Seat Share By Party:

Hover to view number and percent of total seats won by party. Eight largest parties shown, with "others" combined if applicable.

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople - Liberal Democratic Party (Tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar harakati-O‘zbekiston Liberal-demokratik partiyasi) 64

National Revival Democratic Party (O'zbekistan Milliy Tiklanish Demokratik Partiyasi) 29

Justice Social Democratic Party (Adolat Sotsial Demokratik Partiyasi) 21

People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan) 20

Ecological Party of Uzbekistan (O`zbekiston ekologik partiyasi) 16

Election Results Modified: Mar 04, 2025

General Information

  • All 150 seats in the Uzbek Legislative Assembly. 


  • Chief of State: President Shavkat MIRZIYOYEV (since 14 December 2016)* 

  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Abdulla ARIPOV (since 14 December 2016) 

  • Assembly: bicameral Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis) with 65 seat Senate (Senat) and 150 seat Legislative Chamber (Qonunchilik Palatasi) 

*Note: President Shavkat MIRZIYOYEV served as an interim President following the death of longtime leader Islam KARIMOV temporarily before his official instatement in December 2016.  


  • The President is directly elected by majority vote in 2 rounds if needed for a 7-year term. 

  • The Prime Minister is nominated by the majority party in the Supreme Assembly and appointed by the President. 

  • 54 of 65 members of the Senate are elected by regional governing councils. The remaining 9 are appointed by the President. All members serve 5-year terms. 

  • 75 of the 150 members of the Legislative Chamber are directly elected by majority vote in 2 rounds in single-seat constituencies. The remaining 75 members are elected in a nationwide proportional representation system. All members are elected to 5-year terms. 


In the last election, held December 22, 2019, the Liberal Democratic Party (O’ZLIDEP) won a plurality with 53 of 150 seats. Voter turnout was 63%. 


Information for Voters:  

Ko'p beriladigan savollar (FAQ) / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (in Uzbek, in English, in Russian) 


New/Unique in this Election: 

In April of 2023 , Uzbekistan passed a sweeping referendum amending over half of country’s constitution. Reforms included extending the Presidential term to 7 years from 5, expansion of presidential powers, changes to parts of the structure of the legislature and its powers, and support for human and environmental rights. 

In November of 2023, Uzbekistan amended its constitution to reform the mechanism for the election of members to the Legislative Chamber. Before, all 150 members were elected by direct majority vote in single seat constituencies in 2 rounds. These reforms made half of the seats in the Legislative Assembly elected via nationwide proportional representation. The amendment also altered the number of seats in the Senate, bringing it from 100 to 65, with 9 appointed by the president rather than the previous 16.  


Key Deadlines: 

  • Voter registration deadline: not applicable, voter registration is passive.  


  • The Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – The Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan / Tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar harakatiO‘zbekiston liberal-demokratik partiyasi (O’ZLIDEP) 

    • Leader: Khaitov Aktam AKHMADOVICH 

    • Seats won in the last election: 53 seats out of 150 

  • Democratic Party "National Recovery" of Uzbekistan / O‘zbekistonMilliy tiklanishdemokratik partiyasi  

    • Leader: N/A 

    • Seats won in the last election: 36 seats out of 150 

  • Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Justice" / O‘zbekiston “Adolat” sotsial-demokratik partiyasi (ADOLAT) 

    • Leader: Nariman UMAROV 

    • Seats won in the last election: 24 seats out of 150 

  • People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan / O‘zbekiston Xalq demokratik partiyasi (XDP) 

    • Leader: Khotamjon Abdurakhmanovich KETMONOV 

    • Seats won in the last election: 22 seats out of 150 

  • Ecological Party of Uzbekistan / O‘zbekiston Ekologik partiyasi (O’EP) 

    • Leader: Boriy ALIKHANOV 

    • Seats won in the last election: 15 seats out of 150 


Population and Registered Voters: 


Gender Data: 


Disability Data: 

  • Projected population with a disability: 5,825,976 (2023 est.) 


IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Uzbekistan: Yes, office 

  • Election Access: Yes 

Election Modified: Nov 08, 2024

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