Oct. 27, 2024 Confirmed

Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Election for Uruguayan Presidency

General Information

  • The Presidency of Uruguay. 


Elections for a referendum, the Chamber of Senators, and the Chamber of Representatives are occurring concurrently. 


  • Chief of State: President Luis Alberto LACALLE POU (since 1 March 2020) 

  • Head of Government: President Luis Alberto LACALLE POU (since 1 March 2020) 

  • Assembly: bicameral General Assembly (Asamblea General) with 30-seat Cahmber of Senators (Camara de Senadores) and 99-seat Chamber of Representatives (Camara de Representates) 


  • The President is elected by majority vote in 2-rounds to serve 5-year terms. 

  • Members of the Chamber of Senators are elected through a nationwide proportional representation system to serve 5-year terms.  

  • Members of the Chamber of Representatives are directly elected in multi-seat constituencies to 5-year terms. 


During the last Presidential election, Luis Alberto LACALLE POU of the National Party won in 2 rounds. Voter turnout was 90%. 


Information for Voters: 

Elecciones Nacionales 2024 / National Elections 2024 (in Spanish) 


Key Deadlines: 


  • Yamandú ORSI. 

    • Broad Front Party / Partido Frente Amplio (FA) 

  • Alvaro Luis DELGADO CERETTA 

    • National Party / Partido Nacional (PN) 

  • Andrés OJEDA SPITZ 

    • Colorado Party / Partido Colorado 

  • Guido Manini RÍOS 

    • Open Cabildo Party / Partido Cabildo Abierto 

  • Gustavo Alberto SALLE LORIER 

    • Sovereign Identity Party / Partido Identidad Soberana 

  • Pablo Andrés MIERES GÓMEZ 

    • Independent Party / Partido Independiente 

  • Walter Gonzalo MARTINEZ MARUCA 

    • People's Assembly Party / Partido Asamblea Popular 

  • Eduardo LUST 

    • Constitutional Environmentalist Party / Partido Constitucional Ambientalista 

  • Cesar Enrique VEGA 

    • Intransigent Radical Ecologist Party / Partido Ecologista Radical Intransigente (PERI) 

  • Guillermo FRANCHI 

    • Party for the Necessary Changes / Partido Por Los Cambios Necesarios 

  • Martín Pérez BANCHERO 

    • Republican Advance Party / Partido Avanzar Republicano 


Population and Registered Voters: 


Gender Data: 

  • Female Candidates in this election: No 


Disability Data: 

  • Projected population with a disability: 547,697 


IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Uruguay: No  

  • Election Access: Yes 

Election Modified: Oct 23, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Uruguay

With Participation Rates