General Information
At Stake in this Election:
10 out of 14 members of the unicameral Congress.
Chief of State: President Wesley W. SIMINA (since 12 May 2023)
Head of Government: President Wesley W. SIMINA (since 12 May 2023)
Assembly: unicameral 14-seat Congress
The President and Vice President are indirectly elected by Congress from among the four at-large senators for a 4-year term. The President is both the Chief of State and Head of Government.
Members of Congress are directly elected. 10 members are elected to serve 2-year terms from congressional districts in each state apportioned by population. 4 members are elected to serve 4 year terms. These 4 are referred to as “at-large Senators” and each represent one of the four States of Micronesia (Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae).
In the 2023 legislative election, independent candidates won all 14 seats.
Information for Voters:
Voters Instructions (in English)
This is the first election since voters approved several amendments to the Constitution in July 2023, including allowing FSM citizens to hold dual citizenship, changing the process for a Presidential Veto Override, and altering the requirements for candidacy.
Candidate filing deadline: 4 November 2024
Voter registration deadline: 2 February 2025
Main Parties in this Election:
There are no political parties in FSM. All candidates run as independents.
Population and Registered Voters:
Population: 112,630 (2023 est.)
Registered Voters: Not available.
Gender Data:
Female Population: 56,660 (2023 est.)
CEDAW Status: Ratified (by accession) 1 September 2004
Gender Quota: No
Female Candidates in this election: Yes
Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 3 out of 14 (21%) in the Congress
Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 0.634, Medium, Rank 135 (2022)
Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Not available
Disability Data:
CRPD Status: Signed 23 September 2011, Ratified 7 December 2016
Projected population with a disability: 18,021 (2023 est.)