General Information
At Stake in this Election:
All 120 seats in the Kosovar Assembly
Chief of State: President Vjosa OSMANI-Sadriu (since 4 April 2021)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Albin KURTI (since 22 March 2021)
Assembly: unicameral Assembly (Kuvendi / Skupština) with 120 seats
The President is indirectly elected by the Assembly to a 5-year term without term limits.
The Prime Minister is indirectly elected by the Assembly.
In the Assembly, all 120 members are directly elected via proportional representation vote. 20 of 120 seats are reserved for ethnic minorities: Serbs (10); Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (4), Bosniak (3), Turkish (2), Goran (1). All members serve 4-year terms without term limits.
In the 2021 snap legislative election, Vetëvendosje! won a plurality of seats (58) followed by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (19) and twelve other parties. Voter turnout was 49%.
Information for Voters:
Election Information and Education / Informimi dhe Edukimi për Zgjedhje (in Albanian, Serbian, and English)
Key Deadlines:
Candidate filing deadline: 11 December 2024
Voter registration deadline: N/A, voter registration is passive.
Vetëvendosje! / Lëvizja Vetëvendosje!
Seats won in last election: 58 out of 120
Democratic Party of Kosovo / Partia Demokratike e Kosovës (PDK)
Seats won in last election: 19 out of 120
Democratic League of Kosovo / Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës (LDK)
Seats won in last election: 15 out of 120
Serbian List / Srpska Lista
Seats won in last election: 10 out of 120
Alliance for the Future of Kosovo / Aleanca për Ardhmërine e Kosovës (AAK)
Seats won in last election: 8 out of 120
Kosovo Democratic Turkish Party / Kosova Demokratik Türk Partisi
Seats won in last election: 2 out of 120
New Democratic Initiative of Kosovo / Iniciativa e re Demokratike e Kosovës (IRDK)
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Progressive Movement of Kosovar Roma / Lëvizja Përparimtare e Romëve Të
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Vakat Coalition / Koalicija Vakat
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Ashkali Party for Integration / Partia Ashkalinjëve për Integrim
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Social Democratic Union / Socialdemoktraska Unija (SDU)
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
New Democratic Party / Nova Demokratska Stranka
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Unified Party of the Gorans / Jedinstvena Goranska Partija (JGP)
Seats won in last election: 1 out of 120
Population and Registered Voters:
Population: 1,756,370 (2023 est.)
Registered Voters: 1,851,927 (2021)
Gender Data:
Female Population: 892,450 (2023 est.)
CEDAW Status: Not applicable
Gender Quota: Yes; at least 30% of candidates on each list must be female and at least 30% must be male.
Female Candidates in this election: Yes
Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 40 out of 120 (33%) in the Assembly
Human Development Index (HDI) Position: Not available
Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Not available
Disability Data:
CRPD Status: Not applicable
Projected population with a disability: 281,019 (2023 est.)
IFES Resources:
Election Access: Yes
ElectionJudgments: Yes, 11 judgments and 16 resources