Aug. 19, 2024 Held


Republic of Kiribati

Election for Maneaba ni Maungatabu (Kiribati House of Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:30,699
Valid Votes:30,494
Invalid Votes:205

Results Notes

Results Source: Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs

Election Results Modified: Sep 11, 2024

General Information

At Stake in this Election:

  • 19 seats in the I-Kiribati House of Assembly

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: President Taneti MAAMAU (since 11 March 2016)
  • Head of Government: President Taneti MAAMAU (since 11 March 2016)
  • Assembly: unicameral House of Assembly (Maneaba Ni Maungatabu) with 46 seats

Electoral System:

  • The President (Te Beretitenti) is directly elected by plurality vote from a pool of candidates nominated by and from within the House of Assembly. The President may serve up to three 4-year terms.
  • In the House of Assembly, 44 members are directly elected by absolute majority vote in up to two rounds. One additional member is appointed by the Rabi Council to represent Banaba Island, and the attorney general serves as an ex officio member. All 46 members serve 4-year terms.

Last Election:

In the first round of the 2024 election, final results were determined for 25 seats, leaving 19 seats to be contested in the second round. Voter turnout was 85%.

Information for Voters:

Voting (in English)

Key Deadlines:

  • Candidate filing deadline: 24 July 2024
  • Voter registration deadline: 31 July 2024

Main Parties in this Election:

  • Tobwaan Kiribati Party
    • Seats won in 2019 election: 22 out of 44
  • Boutokaan Te Koauau
    • Seats won in 2019 election: 22 out of 44

Population and Registered Voters:

Gender Data:

Disability Data:

  • CRPD Status: Ratified (by accession) 27 September 2013
  • Projected population with a disability: 20,997 (2022 est.)

IFES Resources:

  • Does IFES have a presence in Kiribati: No
  • Election Access: Yes
  • Election Judgments: Yes, 1 judgment
Election Modified: Sep 09, 2024

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