Sept. 10, 2024 Held

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Election for Majlis al-Nuwaab (Jordanian House of Deputies)

General Information

At Stake in this Election:

  • All 138 seats in the Jordanian House of Deputies

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: King ABDALLAH II (since 7 February 1999)
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Bisher AL-KHASAWNEH (since 7 October 2020)
  • Assembly: bicameral National Assembly (مجلس الأمة) with a 65-seat Senate (مجلس الأعيان) and a 138-seat House of Deputies (مجلس النواب)

Electoral System:

  • The King is a hereditary monarch.
  • The Prime Minister is appointed by the King.
  • In the Senate, all 65 members are appointed by the monarch and serve 4-year terms.
  • In the House of Deputies, 97 members are elected by open-list proportional representation vote in multi-member constituencies, among which 15 seats are reserved for women and 12 seats are reserved for ethnic minorities (Christians, Chechens, Circassians). An additional 41 members are elected via closed-list proportional representation in a single, nationwide district of which 4 seats are reserved for ethnic minorities. All 138 members serve 4-year terms.

Last Election:

In the 2020 legislative election, voter turnout was 30%.

Information for Voters:

لمعرفة دائرتك الانتخابية حسب جداول الناخبين / Know your electoral district according to the voter’s lists (in Arabic)

Key Deadlines:

  • Candidate filing deadline:  8 August 2024
  • Voter registration deadline: N/A voter registration is automatic and based on civil registration.

Main Parties in this Election:

The vast majority of candidates run as independents or as part of small coalitions or lists.

Population and Registered Voters:

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 5,468,070 (2023 est.)
  • CEDAW Status: Signed 3 December 1980, Ratified 1 July 1992
  • Gender Quota:  There are reserved seats in each constituency and reserved seats within the subset of seats determined via proportional representation vote. Party lists must also include at least one woman within the first and second grouping of three candidates. 
  • Female Candidates in this election: Yes/No [have to find by election]
  • Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 17 out of 130 (13%) in the House of Deputies and 10 out of 65 (15%) in the Senate
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 0.736, High, Rank 99 (2023)
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: 58.5 (2023)

Disability Data:

  • CRPD Status: Signed 30 March 2007, Ratified 31 March 2008
  • Projected population with a disability: 1,813,928 (2023 est.)

IFES Resources:

  • Does IFES have a presence in Jordan: No
  • Election Access: Yes
  • Election Judgments: No
Election Modified: Sep 11, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Jordan

With Participation Rates