May 12, 2024 Held



Voter Participation

Cast Votes:1,429,382
Valid Votes:1,400,539
Invalid Votes:28,843

Referendum Vote Share

Do you support the amendment of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania?





Results Notes

Note: The proposed amendment was rejected because less than 50% of registered voters voted "Yes".

Results Source: VRK

Election Results Modified: May 29, 2024

General Information

At Stake in this Election: 

On 12 May 2024, Lithuanian citizens will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that would establish that people who have acquired Lithuanian citizenship at birth can retain their citizenship even when acquiring certain others. This would enable dual nationality for Lithuanian citizens. The referendum ballot states:

‘Amend Article 12 to read as follows: 

“Article 12 

Citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania is acquired at birth and on other grounds and procedures established by the constitutional law. The constitutional law also establishes the grounds and procedure for the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania. 

I announce this law adopted by a referendum of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania. 

President of the Republic.”’

Response options are Yes (“Taip”) or No (“Ne”). The presidential election will be held concurrently.

  • Chief of State: President Gitanas NAUSĖDA (since 12 July 2019) 

  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Ingrida ŠIMONYTĖ (since 24 November 2020) 

  • Assembly: unicameral Parliament (Seimas) with 141 seats

  • The President is directly elected by absolute majority vote in up to two rounds. The President may serve up to two 5-year terms. 

  • The Prime Minister is nominated by the President and confirmed by Parliament 

  • In Parliament, 71 members are elected by absolute majority vote from single-seat constituencies and 70 are elected by proportional representation vote from a single, nationwide constituency. All 141 members are directly elected and serve unlimited 4-year terms.

In 2019, Lithuania held a referendum on two proposed amendments to the constitution: allowing dual citizenship with selected countries (Article 12) and reducing the number of seats in the Seimas from 141 to 121 (Article 55). While both provisions received a higher percentage of Yes votes than No votes (73% for Article 12 and 76% for Article 55), neither met minimum approval standards as less than 50% of eligible voters approved either provision. Voter turnout was 47% for the Article 12 provision and 53% for the Article 55 provision.

Information for Voters: 

Informacija rinkėjui / Voter Information (in Lithuanian)

Key Deadlines: 

Population and Registered Voters: 

Gender Data: 

Disability Data: 

  • CRPD Status: Signed 30 March 2007, Ratified 18 August 2010 

  • Projected population with a disability: 453,062 (2022 est.)

IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Lithuania: No 

  • Election Access: Yes 

  • Election Judgements:  Yes, 14 resources

Original Referendum Text (in Lithuanian): 

Pakeisti 12 straipsnį ir jį išdėstyti taip: 

„12 straipsnis 

Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybė įgyjama gimstant ir kitais konstitucinio įstatymo nustatytais pagrindais ir tvarka. 

Konstitucinis įstatymas taip pat nustato Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybės netekimo pagrindus ir tvarką. 

Skelbiu šį Lietuvos Respublikos piliečių referendumu priimtą įstatymą.  

Respublikos Prezidentas“. 

Election Modified: May 14, 2024

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