April 16, 2023 Held

French Polynesia
Overseas Lands of French Polynesia
Election for Assemblée de la Polynésie Française (French Polynesian Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:126,272
Valid Votes:124,375
Invalid Votes:1,897

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Tavini Huira'atira (Tavini Huira'atira (Serving the People)) 43,401


Tapura Huira'atira (Tapura Huira'atira (The People's List)) 37,880


A Here ia Porinetia (A Here ia Porinetia (We Love Polynesia)) 18,067


Amuitahira'a O Te Nuna'a Ma'ohi (Amuitahira'a O Te Nuna'a Ma'ohi (Polynesian People's Rally)) 14,773


Ia Ora Te Nuna'a (Ia Ora Te Nuna'a (Long Live the People)) 5,423


Hau Ma'ohi (Hau Ma'ohi (Peace and the Polynesian Nation)) 2,458


Heiura Greens (Heiura Les Verts) 2,373

Election Results Modified: Aug 28, 2023

General Information

At Stake in this Election: 

  • All 57 seats of the French Polynesian Assembly 

Government Structure:  

  • Chief of State: President of France Emmanuel MACRON (since 14 May 2017) 

  • Represented by High Commissioner of the Republic Dominique SORAIN (since 10 July 2019) 

  • Head of Government: President of French Polynesia Édouard FRITCH (since 12 September 2014) 

  • Assembly: unicameral Assembly (Assemblée de la Polynésie française) with 57 seats 

  • French Polynesia is also represented in the French Senate (Sénat) and National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale). 

Electoral System: 

  • The President of France is directly elected by absolute majority vote in up to two rounds. The president may serve up to two 5-year terms. 

  • The High Commissioner is appointed by the President of France based on the advice of the Ministry of the Interior. 

  • The President of French Polynesia is indirectly elected by the Assembly from among its members. The President may serve up to two 5-year terms. 

  • In the Assembly, 38 members are directly elected via absolute majority, closed-list vote in multi-seat constituencies in up to two rounds. Only lists receiving at least 12.5% of the total vote can advance to the second round, but parties may combine their votes and lists to meet this requirement. The remaining 19 seats are allocated to the party that receives the most votes. All members serve 5-year terms. 

  • Within the French legislature, French Polynesia directly elects three deputies of the National Assembly via absolute majority vote in up to two rounds. French Polynesia indirectly elects two members of the Senate via an electoral college, and one senate seat is contested every three years. Deputies serve 5-year terms, and senators serve 6-year terms. 

Last Election: 

In 2018, Tapura Huira’atira won a majority of seats (38) in the Territorial Assembly. Taho’eara’a Huira’atira won 11 seats, and Tavini Huira’atira won 8 seats. Voter turnout was 66%. 

Key Deadlines: 

Main Parties in this Election

  • Serving the People / Tavini Huira’atira No Te Ao Ma’ohi 

  • Leader: Oscar TEMARU 

  • Seats won in last election: 8 out of 57 

  • The People’s List / Tapura Huira’atira 

  • Leader: Édouard FRITCH 

  • Seats won in last election: 38 out of 57 

  • We Love Polynesia / A Here ia Porinetia 

  • Leader: Nuihau LAUREY 

  • Seats won in last election: 0 out of 57 (founded in 2020)

  • Polynesian People’s Rally / Amuitahira’a O Te Nuna’a Ma’ohi 

  • Leader: Bruno SANDRAS 

  • Seats won in last election: 11 out of 57 (as Taho’era’a Huira’atira) 

  • Long Live the People / Ia Ora Te Nuna’a 

  • Leader: Teva ROHFRITSCH 

  • Seats won in last election: 0 out of 57 

  • Peace and the Polynesian Nation / Hau Ma’ohi 

  • Leader: Tauhiti NENA 

  • Seats won in last election: 0 out of 57 (founded in 2022) 

  • Heiura Greens / Heiura Les Verts 

  • Leader: Jacky BRYANT 

  • Seats won in last election: 0 out of 57 

Population and Registered Voters: 

Gender Data: 

  • Female Candidates in this election: Yes 

  • Number of Female Legislators (pre-election): 30 out of 57 (52.6%) in the Territorial Assembly (2023)  

  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: Unavailable  

  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Unavailable  

Disability Data: 

IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in French Polynesia: No   

  • Election Access: Yes 

Election Modified: Aug 28, 2023

Most Recent Elections in French Polynesia

With Participation Rates