Oct. 27, 2019 Held

Argentine Republic
Election for Cámara de Diputados (Argentinian Chamber of Deputies)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:26,595,460
Valid Votes:None
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Everyone's Front (Frente de Todos) 64 - 11,359,508


Together for Change (Juntos por el Cambio) 56 - 10,020,835


Federal Consensus (Consenso Federal) 3 - 1,466,881


Civic Front for Santiago (Frente Civico por Santiago) 1 - 326,566


Union for Cordoba (Alianza Union por Cordoba) 1 - 377,844


Front for the Renewal of Concord (Frente Renovador de la Concordia) 1 - 191,757


Together We Are Río Negro (Juntos Somos Río Negro) 1 - 121,478


Let's All Live Better (Let's All Live Better) 1 - 17,992

Election Results Modified: Nov 14, 2019

General Information

At Stake in this Election:       

  • 130 seats in the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: President Mauricio MACRI (since 10 December 2015)
  • Head of Government: President Mauricio MACRI (since 10 December 2015)
  • Assembly: Argentina has a bicameral National Congress (Congreso de la nación) consisting of the Senate (Senado) with 72 seats and the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) with 257 seats.

Electoral System[1]:

  • The President is elected by qualified majority to serve a 4-year term. If no Leader receives at least 45% of the vote, or 40% with a lead of 10% over the runner-up, a second round is held.
  • In the Senate (Senado) 72 members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system to serve 6-year terms*.
  • In the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) 257 members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system to serve 4-year terms.**

*One-third of the Senate is renewable every two years. Senators are elected from 24 multi-member districts, with 3 Senators. 2 Senate seats per district are granted to the party receiving the highest number of votes, while the other seat is given to the first minority party.

**One-half of the Chamber of Deputies is renewable every two years. Party lists are closed. There are 24 multi-member districts. The threshold is 3 percent.

Main Parties in this Election:

  • Coalition: Together for Change/Juntos por el Cambio
    • Leader: Mauricio MACRI
    • Seats won in last election: 61[2]
    • The coalition formed in 2015. The coalition is composed of the Republican Proposal (PRO), the Radical Civic Union (UCR), the Civic Coalition (CC-ARI) and sectors of Federal Peronism.
  • Coalition: Everyone’s Front/Frente de Todos
    • Leader: Alberto FERNÁNDEZ
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
    • The coalition formed in 2018. The coalition is the convergence of four major political sectors: the Justicialist Party (PJ), the Kirchnerism, the majority of the Peronist governors, and the Renewal Front.
  • Coalition: Federal Consensus/Consenso Federal
    • Leader: Roberto LAVAGNA
    • Seats won in last election: N/A
    • The coalition formed in 2019, being the result of the merger between Consensus 2019 and Federal Alternative.
  • Alliance: Workers’ Left Front/Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (FIT)
    • Leader:  Nicolás del CAÑO
    • Seats won in last election: 2[3]
    • The alliance formed in 2011. The parties are: Workers' Party (PO), the Socialist Workers' Party (PTS), and Socialist Left (IS).
  • Coalition: Frente Despertar
    • Leader: José Luis ESPERT
    • Seats won in last election: 0
    • The coalition formed in 2018 by the Unite for Freedom and Dignity party (officially only), the Democratic Center Union, the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party of Buenos Aires.

Population and Registered Voters:

  • Population: 44,781,000 (2019 est.)[4]
  • Registered Voters: 33,841,837 (2019)[5]

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 22,939,000 (2019 est.)[6]
  • Is Argentina a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (17 Jul 1980)[7]
  • Has Argentina ratified CEDAW: Yes (15 Jul 1985)[8]
  • Gender Quota: Yes[9]
  • Female Leaders in this election: Yes
  • Number of Female Legislators:  99 (38.8%)[10]
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 47[11]
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A[12]

Disability Data:

  • Is Argentina a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 Mar 2007)[13]
  • Has Argentina ratified CRPD: Yes (2 Sep 2008)[14]
  • Population with a disability: 6,514,783 (2019 est.)[15]


Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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