Oct. 20, 2019 Held


Swiss Confederation

Election for Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale (Swiss National Council)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:2,462,581
Valid Votes:None
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Swiss People's Party 53 - 620,343


Social Democratic Party (SDP) (Parti Socialiste Suisse) 39 - 408,128


FDP.The Liberals (FDP.Die Liberalen, PLR.Les Libéraux-Radicaux, PLR.I Liberali, PLD.Ils Liberals) 29 - 366,303


Green Party 28 - 319,988


Christian Democratic People's Party 25 - 275,842


Green Liberal Party of Switzerland (GLP) (Grünliberale Partei der Schweiz / Parti vert'libéral) 16 - 59,206


Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland (BDP) (Bürgerlich-Demokratische Partei Schweiz / Parti bourgeois démocratique suisse / Partito Borghese Democratico Svizzero) 3 - 59,206


Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland (EVP) (Parti Evangelique Suisse) 3 - 50,317


Swiss Party of Labour (Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz / Parti Suisse du Travail - Parti Ouvrier et Populaire / Partito Comunista / Partida svizra da la lavur) 2 - 25,427


Federal Democratic Union (EDU/UDF) (Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union / Union Démocratique Fédérale / Unione Democratica Federale / Uniun democrata federala) 1 - 24,145


Ticino League (LEGA) (Lega dei Ticinesi / Ligue des Tessinois) 1 - 18,187

Election Results Modified: Nov 26, 2019

General Information

At Stake in this Election:       

  • The 200 seats in the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale)

Government Structure:

  • Chief of State: President Ueli MAURER* (since 1 January 2019)
  • Head of Government: President Ueli MAURER (since 1 January 2019)
  • Assembly: Switzerland has a bicameral Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung/Assemblée Fédérale/Assemblea Federale) consisting of the Council of States (Ständerat/Conseil des Etats/ Consiglio degli Stati) with 46 seats and the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale) with 200 seats.

* The Federal Presidency rotates among the 7 members of the Federal Council, which is the formal chief of state. Presently the Federal Council consists of Ueli MAURER, Ignazio CASSIS, Alain BERSET, Karin KELLER-SUTTER, Viola AMHERD, Guy PARMELIN, and Simonetta SOMMARUGA[1]

Electoral System:

  • The President is appointed by parliament to serve a 1-year term.
  • In the Council of States (Ständerat/Conseil des Etats/ Consiglio degli Stati), 6 members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies to serve 4-year and 36 members are elected by plurality vote in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms.  4 members are elected by list proportional representation in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-years terms.**
  • In the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale), 194 members are elected by open list proportional representation in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms and 6 members are elected by a plurality system to serve 4-year terms.***

**Single-member districts correspond to the former half-cantons whereas two-seat districts correspond to former full cantons. The electoral system is a two-round system, with exception of Jura and Neuchâtel, where it is proportional representation.

***Seats are apportioned to each canton in proportion to the permanent resident population[2]. Voters have the option of panachage. The electoral system is proportional representation.

Main Parties in this Election:

  • Party: Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland (CVP)
    • Leader: Gerhard PFISTER
    • Seats won in last election: 27
  • Party: Evangelical People's Party (EVP)
    • Leader: Marianne STREIFF
    • Seats won in last election:2
  • Party: Fdp.The Liberals (FDP)
    • Leader: Petra GÖSSI
    • Seats won in last election: 33
  • Party: Green Party of Switzerland (GPS)
    • Leader: Regula RYTZ
    • Seats won in last election: 11
  • Party: Green Liberal Party (GLP)
    • Leader: Martin BÄUMLE
    • Seats won in last election: 7
  • Party: Ticino League
    • Leader: Attilio BIGNASCA
    • Seats won in last election: 2
  • Party: Conservative Democratic Party (BDP)
    • Leader: Martin LANDOLT
    • Seats won in last election: 7
  • Party: Mouvement Citoyens Genevois (MCG)
    • Leader: Ana ROCH
    • Seats won in last election: 1
  • Party: Social Democratic Party (SP)
    • Leader: Christian LEVRAT
    • Seats won in last election: 43
  • Party: Swiss People's Party (SVP)
    • Leader: Albert RÖSTI
    • Seats won in last election: 65
  • Party: Swiss Party of Labour (PdA/PST)
    • Leader: Norberto CRIVELLI
    • Seats won in last election: 1

Population and Registered Voters:

  • Population: 8,591,000 (2019 est.)[3]
  • Registered Voters: 5,283,556 (2015 est.)[4]

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 4,331,000 (2019 est.)[5]
  • Is Switzerland a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (23 Jan 1987)[6]
  • Has Switzerland ratified CEDAW: Yes (27 March 1997)[7]
  • Gender Quota: No[8]
  • Female Candidates in this election: Yes
  • Number of Female Legislators: 65[9]
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 2[10]
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Very low[11]

Disability Data:

  • Is Switzerland a signatory to CRPD: No
  • Has Switzerland ratified CRPD: Yes (15 Apr 2014)[12]
  • Population with a disability: 1,218,275[13]

[5] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Switzerland

With Participation Rates