General Information
**Due to a low turnout (only 7.8%), the referendum was deemed invalid, as there is a 50% threshold for results to be legally binding.**
At stake in this referendum:
- Voters will vote on 3 provisions.
Description of government structure:
- Chief of State: President Bronisław KOMOROWSKI*
- Head of Government: Prime Minister Ewa KOPACZ
- Assembly: Poland has a bicameral Parliament (Zgromadzenie Narodowe) consisting of the Senat with 100 seats and the Sejm with 460 seats.
*The most recent presidential election was won by Andrzej DUDA, who will be taking office on 6 August 2015.
Main provisions in the referendum[1]:
- “Are you for the introduction of single-seat constituencies in elections for the Polish Sejm?”
- “Czy jest Pani/Pan za wprowadzeniem jednomandatowych okręgów wyborczych w wyborach do Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej?”
- “Are you in favor of maintaining the current method of financing of political parties from the state budget?”
- “Czy jest Pani/Pan za utrzymaniem dotychczasowego sposobu finansowania partii politycznych z budżetu państwa?”
- “Are you in favor of introducing a general principle of resolving doubts about the interpretation of tax law for the benefit of the taxpayer?”
- “Czy jest Pani/Pan za wprowadzeniem zasady ogólnej rozstrzygania wątpliwości co do wykładni przepisów prawa podatkowego na korzyść podatnika?”
Electoral Requirements:
- If turnout is less than or equal to 50%, it is non-binding.[2] If turnout exceeds 50%, the result will be binding.
Population and number of registered voters:
Gender Data:
- Female Population: 19,794,560 (2014 est.)[5]
- Is POLAND a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (29 May 1980)[6]
- Has POLAND ratified CEDAW: Yes (30 July 1980)[7]
- Gender Quota: Yes[8]
- Female Candidates in this election: N/A
- Number of Female Legislators: 110 (24%) pf 460 seats in the Sejm[9]
- Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 35[10]
- Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A[11]
Disability Data:
- Is POLAND a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)[12]
- Has POLAND ratified CRPD: Yes (25 September 2012) [13]
- Population with a disability: 4,697,000[14]
[14] Statistical Yearbook 2014 published by Central statistical Office