Oct. 18, 2015 Held

Swiss Confederation
Election for Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale (Swiss National Council)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:2,563,052
Valid Votes:2,563,052
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Swiss People's Party 65


Social Democratic Party (SDP) (Parti Socialiste Suisse) 43


FDP.The Liberals (FDP.Die Liberalen, PLR.Les Libéraux-Radicaux, PLR.I Liberali, PLD.Ils Liberals) 33


Christian Democratic People's Party 27


Green Party of Switzerland (GPS) (Les Verts - Parti Ecologiste Suisse) 11


Green Liberal Party of Switzerland (GLP) (Grünliberale Partei der Schweiz / Parti vert'libéral) 7


Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland (BDP) (Bürgerlich-Demokratische Partei Schweiz / Parti bourgeois démocratique suisse / Partito Borghese Democratico Svizzero) 7


Ticino League (LEGA) (Lega dei Ticinesi / Ligue des Tessinois) 2


Evangelical People's Party of Switzerland (EVP) (Parti Evangelique Suisse) 2


Swiss Party of Labour (Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz / Parti Suisse du Travail - Parti Ouvrier et Populaire / Partito Comunista / Partida svizra da la lavur) 1


Others (Übrige) 1


Geneva Citizens' Movement (MCG) (Mouvement Citoyens Genevois) 1

Election Results Modified: Dec 17, 2015

General Information

At stake in this election: 

  • The 200 seats in the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale)

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Simonetta SOMMARUGA*
  • Head of Government: President  Simonetta SOMMARUGA
  • Assembly: Switzerland has a bicameral Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung/Assemblée Fédérale/Assemblea Federale) consisting of the Council of States (Ständerat/Conseil des Etats/ Consiglio degli Stati) with 46 seats and the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale) with 200 seats.

*The Federal Presidency rotates among the 7 members of the Federal Council, which is the formal chief of state. Presently the Federal Council consists of Doris LEUTHARD, Eveline WIDMER-SCHLUMPF, Ueli MAURER, Didier BURKHALTER, Simonetta SOMMARUGA, Johan SCHNEIDER—AMMANN, and Alain BERSET.

Description of electoral system:

  • The President is appointed by parliament to serve a 1-year term.
  • In the Council of States (Ständerat/Conseil des Etats/ Consiglio degli Stati), 6 members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies to serve 4-year and 36 members are elected by plurality vote in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms.  4 members are elected by list proportional representation in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-years terms (Neuchâtel and Jura).** 
  • In the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale), 194 members are elected by open list proportional representation in multi-member constituencies to serve 4-year terms and 6 members are elected by a plurality system to serve 4-year terms.***

**Single-member districts correspond to the former half-cantons whereas two-seat districts correspond to former full cantons. The electoral system is a two round system, with exception of Jura and Neuchâtel, where it is proportional representation. 

***Seats are apportioned to each canton in proportion to the permanent resident population. Voters have the option of panachage. The electoral system is proportional representation.

Main parties in the electoral race[1]:

Last election:

  • The last election for the National Council was held on 23 October 2011.  There were 5,124,034 registered voters for the election.  The Liberals (FDP) won 30 seats (of 200) or 15.10% of the vote, the Christian Democratic People’s Party won 28 seats (12.3% of the vote), the Social Democrats won 46 seats (18.7% of the vote), the Swiss People’s Party won 54 seats (26.6% of the vote), the Swiss Evangelical Popular Party won 2 seats (2.0% of the vote), the Green Liberal Party of Switzerland won 12 seats (5.40% of the vote), the Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland (BDP) won 9 seats (5.40% of the vote), the Green Party won 15 seats (8.40% of the vote), the Ticino League (LEGA) won 2 seats (0.80% of the vote), and the Geneva Citizens’ Movement (MCG) won 1 seat (0.40% of the vote).  Results can be found here

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 8,256,000 (2015)[2]
  • Registered voters: 5,254,965

Gender Data:

  • Female Population: 4,171,800[3]
  • Is SWITZERLAND a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (23 January 1987)[4]
  • Has SWITZERLAND ratified CEDAW: Yes (27 March 1997)[5]
  • Gender Quota: No, but there are voluntary quotas adopted by political parties[6]
  • Female Candidates in this election: Yes
  • Number of Female Legislators: 57 (28%) of 200 seats in the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale)[7]
  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: 3[8]
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A[9]

Disability Data:

  • Is SWITZERLAND a signatory to CRPD: N/A[10]
  • Has SWITZERLAND ratified CRPD: Yes (15 April 2014) [11]
  • Population with a disability: 1,199,404[12]


Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Switzerland

With Participation Rates