May 4, 2017 Held

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Election for Al-Majlis Ech-Chaabi Al-Watani (Algerian National People's Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:8,624,199
Valid Votes:6,514,282
Invalid Votes:2,109,917

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

National Liberation Front (Front de Libération National) 164

National Democratic Rally 97

HMS Alliance (HMS) 33

Tajamoua Emel El Djazair (TAJ) 19

Nadha-Adala-Bina (NAB) (Nadha-Adala-Bina (NAB)) 15

Election Results Modified: May 11, 2017

General Information

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria: National People's Assembly, 4 May 2017

At stake in this election:

  • 462 seats in the National People's Assembly (Al-Majlis Al-Chaabi Al-Watani)

Note on the results: An additional thirty parties won less than 15 seats in Parliament and 28 seats were won by independents.

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State:  President Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA (since 28 April 1999)
  • Head of Government:  Prime Minister Abdelmalek SELLAL (since 28 April 2014)
  • Assembly:  Algeria has a bicameral Parliament consisting of an upper house of 144 seats, the Council of the Nation (Majlis al-Oumma), and a lower house of 462 seats, the National People's Assembly (Al-Majlis Ech-Chaabi Al-Watani).

Description of electoral system:

  • National People's Assembly members are directly elected in multi-seat constituencies to 5-year terms. Seats are awarded using proportional representation.
  • Two-thirds of Council of the Nation members are elected by a majority vote by an electoral college and the remaining third is appointed by the president. All members are elected to 6-year terms with half of the membership renewed every three years.
  • There is a 5% threshold to enter parliament. Depending on the district, 20-50% of parties' candidate lists must be women.

Last Election:

  • In the 2012 election, the National Liberation Front won a sweeping majority of 208 seats. The National Rally for Democracy won 68, the Green Algeria coalition 49, the Socialist Forces Front 27 and the Workers' Party 24.

Main candidates in the election:

  • National Liberation Front / جبهة التحرير الوطني‎; Front de Libération Nationale (FLN)
    • Leader: Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA
    • Seats won in last election:  208
  • National Rally for Democracy / التجمع الوطني الديمقراطي‎, Rassemblement National Démocratique (RND)
    • Leader: Ahmed OUYAHIA
    • Seats won in last election:  68
  • Rally for Algeria-Hope / Tajamou'a Amel Al Jazair (TAJ)[1]
    • Leader: Amar GHOUL
    • Seats won in last election: 0
  • Socialist Forces Front / جبهة القوى الاشتراكية Front des Forces socialistes (FFS)
    • Leader: Moustafa BOUCHACHI
    • Seats won in last election:  27
  • Green Algeria Alliance (AAV) of Alliance of Mouvement de la societé pour la paix, Ennahda, and Islah
    • Leader: N/A
    • Seats won in last election:  49
  • Worker's Party / Hizb al-Ummal حزب العمال Parti des Travailleurs (PT)
    • Leader: Louisa HANOUNE
    • Seats won in last election:  24

 *Only parties and coalitions which were awarded seats in the 2012 election or have filed in all electoral districts are listed.

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population:  40,263,711 (July 2016)
  • Registered Voters:  23,276,550 (2016)

Gender Data:

  • Female Population:  19,870,738 (July 2016)
  • Is Algeria a signatory to CEDAW:  No
  • Has Algeria ratified CEDAW:  Yes, accession (22 May 1996)
  • Gender Quota:  Yes
  • Female candidates in this election:  Yes
  • Number of Female Parliamentarians:  146
  • Human Development Index Position:  83 (2014)
  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization:  N/A

Disability Data:

  • Is Algeria a signatory to CRPD:  Yes (30 March 2007)
  • Has Algeria ratified CRPD:  Yes (4 December 2009)
  • Population with a disability:  5,931,325[2]

[1] This is the first election TAJ has competed in, however they are one of three parties who has filed in every electoral district.

[2] Calculated using WHO estimate of 15%

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Algeria

With Participation Rates