Dec. 15, 2013 Held


Republic of Mali

Election for Assemblée Nationale (Malian National Assembly)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:2,543,378
Valid Votes:None
Invalid Votes:None

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

Rally for Mali (RPM) (Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM)) 66

Other (Other) 20

Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD) (Union pour la République et la Démocratie (URD)) 17

Alliance for Democracy in Mali (Adéma-PASJ) (Alliance pour la Democratie au Mali) 16

Alternative Forces for Renewal and Emergence (FARE) (Forces Alternatives pour le Renouveau et l’Émergence (FARE)) 6

Covenant for the Development of Mali (CODEM) (Convergence pour le Développement du Mali (CODEM)) 5

African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence (SADI) (Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l’Indépendance (SADI)) 5

Congress for Democratic Initiative (CNID) (Congrès National d’Initiative Démocratique (CNID)) 4

Independents (Independents) 4

Economic and Social Development Party (PDES) (Parti pour le Développement Économique et Social (PDES)) 3

Union for Democracy and Development (UDD) (Union pour la Démocratie et le Développement (UDD)) 1

Movement for a Common Destiny (MODEC) (Mouvement pour un Destin Commun (MODEC))

Election Results Modified: May 15, 2015

General Information

At stake in this election:

  • 147 seats in the National Assembly (Assembleé Nationale).

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Ibrahim Boubakar KEÏTA
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Oumar Tatum LY
  • Assembly: Mali has a unicameral National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) with 147 seats.

Description of electoral system:

  • In the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) 147 members are elected by absolute majority vote in single-member constituencies to serve 5-year terms.[1]

Election Notes:

  • The first round of voting was held on November 24, 2013. In this first round of voting, 16 seats were filled, as candidates received an absolute majority of votes. The Rally for Mali / Rassemblement pour le Mali won 8 seats, the Union for the Republic and Democracy / Union pour la République et la Démocratie won 6 seats, and the Alliance for Democracy in Mali / Alliance pour la Démocratie au Mali won 2 seats. Turnout in the first round of voting was 38.5%. The last elections for the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) were held on July 1 and July 22, 2007. In the previous election, the Alliance for Democracy in Mali (ADEMA) won the most seats in the Assembly with 51. New elections to the National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale) were scheduled for July 1 and July 22, 2012; however, these were postponed due to the 2012 coup d’etat, in which President Amadou Toumani TOURÉ was overthrown. Mali hosted presidential elections in July, during which Ibrahim Boubacar KEÏTA was elected President.

Main parties in the electoral race:

  • Alliance for Democracy in Mali / Alliance pour la Démocratie au Mali (ADEMA)
  • Leader: Dioncounda TRAORÉ
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 51
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 16
  • Union for the Republic and Democracy / Union pour la République et la Démocratie (URD)
  • Leader: Younoussi TOURÉ
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 34
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 17
  • Rally for Mali / Rassemblement pour le Mali (RPM)
  • Leader: Ibrahim Boubacar KEÏTA
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 11
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 66
  • African Solidarity for Democracy and Independence / Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l’Indépendance (SADI)
  • Leader: Oumar MARIKO
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 4
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 5
  • Alternative Forces for Renewal and Emergence / Forces Alternatives pour le Renouveau et l’Émergence (FARE)
  • Leader: Modibo SIDIBE
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: New party
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 6
  • Congress for Democratic Initiative / Congrès National d’Initiative Démocratique (CNID)
  • Leader: Mountaga TALL
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 7
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 4
  • Covenant for the Development of Mali / Convergence pour le Développement du Mali (CODEM)
  • Leader: Housseini GUINDO
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: New party
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 5
  • Economic and Social Development Party / Parti pour le Développement Économique et Social (PDES)
  • Leader: Jamille BITTAR
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: New party
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 3
  • Movement for a Common Destiny / Mouvement pour un Destin Commun (MODEC)
  • Leader: Koniba SIDIBE
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: New party
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 0
  • Union for Democracy and Development / Union pour la Démocratie et le Développement (UDD)
  • Leader: Hassane BARRY
  • Seats won in last National Assembly election: 3
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 1
  • Other Parties
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 20
  • Independents
  • Seats won in this National Assembly election: 4

Population and number of registered voters:

  • Population: 15,968,882 (July 2013 est.)
  • Registered Voters: 6,829,696 (August 2013)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 8,221,147 (2013)

·         Is Mali a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (5 February 1985)

·         Has Mali ratified CEDAW: Yes (10 September 1985)

·         Gender Quota: No, but there are voluntary quotas for some political parties

·         Female candidates in this election: Yes

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 14 (following the 2013 elections)

·         Human Development Index Position: 179 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Very High (2014)

Disability Data:

·         Is Mali a signatory to CRPD: Yes (15 May 2007)

·         Has Mali ratified CRPD: Yes (7 April 2008)

·         Population with a disability: 2,395,332 (est.)

[1] A second round of voting (a runoff between the two candidates with the most votes) is held in constituencies in which no candidate received a majority of votes.

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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